- Take 15 minutes and read this conversation
- Upload all 3 of your screens into an invision prototype (optional, use the craft plugin)
- Critique process & activity
- For the activity: Write your name and include a link to your invision link at the top of your notes document. Save the notes document to our google drive
- Revise your project based on feedback.
- 1 on 1 feedback
- Finish and revise your Reading at Different Sizes exercise based on feedback from in class or on your invision
- Read through our next activity Transaction and complete steps 1 and 2. Create a short presentation (slides, paper, or PDF) that introduces your idea, showcases your research, and includes a list of all the steps necessary to complete your transaction
- Read Drowning the Crystal Goblet (as well as The Crystal Goblet if you’ve never read it). Come prepared with a discussion question.